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No. Sponsoring Registrar Registrant Name Email CreationDate ExpireDate Record Time Com View
1 浙江贰贰网络有限公司 李* ... 07/13/2023 07/13/2025 09/22/2023 21:00 Go
2 浙江贰贰网络有限公司 王* ... 07/13/2023 07/13/2025 09/18/2023 10:55 Go
3 Ourdomains Limited Ourdomains Limited ... 07/13/2023 07/13/2024 07/14/2023 00:34 Go
4 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2023 07/11/2023 09:30 Go
5 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2023 01/27/2020 21:48 Go
6 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2018 05/08/2017 22:30 Go
7 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2018 06/04/2016 04:42 Go
8 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2018 08/01/2014 19:33 Go
9 深圳市万维网信息技术有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2015 07/12/2013 14:17 Go
10 厦门三五互联科技股份有限公司.. 深圳市万维互联信息技术.. ... 05/20/2005 05/20/2014 11/27/2012 00:42 Go

Total 11 records ,  2 pages ,  10 records/page , Skip To Page GO
  • Whois History History Description
  • Whois History History refers to the change log of the domain name registration information, including domain name owner, domain registrar, domain name registration date, expiration date, update the change of time, registered mail and other information. Easy to domain name investor inquiries reference and decision-making.'s Domain Name History record the Change of Whois information, accurately determine contrast, does not change is not recorded, effectively avoid duplication of invalid data.The monitoring change range: domain name owner registered units, domain registrar, domain status, date of the domain name registration, expiration date, update time, registered mail, Tel ect.

  • Explanation and statement of "record time"
  • The "record time" refers to the time when the data item of the domain name is changed. The "record time" is generally later than the "data item change time" or the date when the change occurs, but it is generally later than the "data item change time". If there is an "Updated Date" in the whois information item of the domain name, you can refer to it appropriately. As for the explanation of the "Updated Date" in the whois information, we cannot give ICANN an official explanation. Please check and verify the explanation above. Generally, to judge whether the domain name has changed, we should comprehensively consider the "registrar", the actual "registrar", "email", "registration date" and other relevant data items.

    Affirmation:The domain name historical data of the Benmi platform is only used for query and reference. It cannot 100% guarantee that there is no possibility of error in the program when the data is included. It is not applicable to the domain name arbitration as relevant proof or evidence and other judicial purposes.